A Corban Homecoming Car Show

Hey Corban!  Have you ever wanted to doll up your car for a chance to win sick cash prizes?

Cash Prizes!  What, really?

Yes really!  This year, students, alumni and staff have the opportunity to win cash prizes by showing off their intense decorating skills!  Residence Halls are also encouraged to participate together.  Strength in numbers!
By signing up to be a leader for the Car Show, you're taking part in tradition.  Members of the Corban community past and present, will take part in the memorable experience of the 3rd annual Car Show!  Each car must designate one leader  that fills out the following sign-up sheet. By filling out the following form, you are agreeing to enter your car into the Corban Homecoming Car Show and will receive a chance to win cash prizes. Here are the following possible categories.  Each car will be able to compete in two of the following categories:

Grand Prize: $200

Best Alumni/Staff Car: $100

Best Student Car: $100

Best Hall Car: $100

This competition is for decorated cars so do not feel like you need a novelty car to enter.  This contest is only open to current Corban students, Alumni and staff.  

Car Show Decoration Guidelines:

  • All decorations are encouraged to relate to the Corban Community.
  • The ASB Leadership team can disqualify any car for safety reasons and if they feel the car is unsafe or has inappropriate content. 
  • Cars must be complete by 4:30 PM (Oct. 20th).
Worried about decorating? SAB is providing FREE decorations from 10:30 AM - 4:30 PM on Saturday in the Gym Parking Lot. Also, decorate it with your hall!
The car show is just one reason to go to Corban Homecoming this Saturday. You're get food vouchers from your RA for a plethora of food trucks, a chance to hit a car with a sledgehammer, admission to an exciting basketball game and a pretty neat concert to close things off.
COMMUTERS: You get vouchers too! They can be picked up at the info booth from 5:00 to 7:00 PM. All commuters who come will receive food vouchers.
If you have any questions please email ASB Leadership at asb@corban.edu.